Make Your Business Truly Mobile With SpotPay

by Pam Reiss These days, smartphones and mobile devices have empowered us to stay connected no matter where we happen to be. Armed with these tools, we’re able to access the same wealth of information whether we’re watching the kids play soccer, putting the last minute touches on a project at the office or waiting […]

How to Improve Your Credit Score

by JoAnn Sabas A good credit score is what each of us aspires to. After all, a credit score is one of the important determining factors when it comes to borrowing money for a home. Mortgage lenders look at your credit score as one of the essential elements when determining whether or not to approve […]

Thinking about moving to Stratford?

by Paul Mulligan If you are looking to purchase a home in Stratford, CT, you would not be alone! This gem of a town is continually growing in population with 51,384 residents and 19,276 households, according to the Town of Stratford. So how do you go about finding affordable mortgages in Stratford, CT so you […]

The Federal Reserve 101: Here’s What You Need to Know About Our Central Bank

by Jorge Santiago To increase the ease with which commerce is conducted and to control inflation, countries need a strong banking system. After all, there has to be some force working to ensure a country remains fiscally sound. America’s finances are governed by the Federal Reserve, the country’s central banking system. The Federal Reserve Act […]

Is It Time For You To Start Planning Your Retirement?

by Pam Reiss When should you start planning for retirement? Assuming you want to stop working one day—and still be able to provide for your family and be comfortable financially—the answer to that question may be yesterday. But the good news is that it’s never too late to start planning for the future. If you […]

Three Things You’ll Appreciate When You Walk Into The Milford Bank

By Lynda Mason Have you ever gone to a bank where, when you walked in, you’d experience an icy sensation from the stuffy environment; you were likely afraid to touch anything or even make a noise? Many of us have been in that kind of bank, too. And that’s why we work hard at The […]

Getting Through the Holidays on a Budget: Five Tips You Need to Know

by Cortney Meng Though we always know when the holiday season falls, it seems as though it approaches faster and faster every year. And with the holidays come a seemingly never-ending list of expenses that includes presents, plane tickets and fancy dinners. With a finite amount of cash on hand and a stockpile of bills […]

How to Turn Your Hobby into a Home Business

by Janet Harrison If you had all the money in the world, what would you choose to do for work? That’s the question we’re supposed to ask ourselves to identify what we’d prefer to do for a living. Maybe your response to that question indicates that you’d like to become a photographer, for example, or […]

What are you thankful for?

by Jorge Santiago It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. But 2014 has flown by and, sure enough, turkey will be served on dinner tables across the country within a few short weeks. This is the time of year when we reflect upon our blessings and show our appreciation to our […]

A Friendly Reminder From The Milford Bank: Beware of the ‘Grandparent Scam’

By Bob Russo The scam usually goes something like this: You receive a phone call from someone claiming to be your grandchild. Or perhaps the caller is claiming to be someone contacting you on your grandchild’s behalf— like a police officer, for example, who says he/she has just arrested your grandchild and is requesting bail […]