2015 Milford Moves Pirate Day 5K

The 1st Annual Milford Moves Pirate Day 5K on June 14th 2015 was a success! It was a beautiful day and we had nearly 200 runners and walkers. View the race results here. For information on our 2016 Race, visit: Milford Moves for Veterans 5K
Purchase finisher & event photos
See more photos on the Milford Moves facebook page and Capstone’s facebook album
5K Training

The 2015 Milford Moves Training Program is over. Congratulations to all our trainees who stuck with the program and finished the Pirate Day 5K! If you would like to train for our upcoming 5K, you can follow the 12 Week MM5K Training program at home:
Week 1:
Week 1 Workout Schedule
Weekly Meal Plan
Week 2:
Week 2 Workout Schedule
Quick Guide to Stretching
100 Healthy Snacks
Week 3:
Week 3 Workout Schedule
Week 4:
Week 4 Workout Schedule
Week 5:
Week 5 Workout Schedule
Week 6:
Week 6 Workout Schedule
Week 7:
Week 7 Workout Schedule
Week 8:
Week 8 Workout Schedule
The Importance of Meal Prep
Week 9:
Week 9 Workout Schedule
Week 10: No Training – Happy Memorial Day!
Week 10 Workout Schedule
Week 11:
Week 11 Workout Schedule
Week 12:
Week 12 Workout Schedule
I am a NASM certified personal trainer, who owns a small personal training and fitness studio in Devon. As the recent past chairperson of the Health & Wellness council for the Milford Chamber of Commerce, I have experience with not only training large groups of people, but also organizing events in the town of Milford. I am also a past event organizer with vast experience putting together large events. I am now an avid runner, running over thirty races (5K, 5-miler, 10-miler, half-marathons and obstacle course races) in the past 4 years. Being 37 years old, I started running later in life with, and know how to take someone from walking 30 feet, to running 3.1 miles, and beyond.
I am very excited for the opportunity to work with The Milford Bank and this amazing race for the Milford community. Health and wellness is now my passion in life, not just my job. After being in sales and marketing for the past 15 + years, I knew I needed a change, and being able to help others see their potential and hit their own health and fitness goals is the most rewarding “job” I could ever imagine.
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